Monday, November 27, 2006

Behold the Wonder of...

Nalgene Bottles
For Thanksgiving we got two cute Nalgene sippy cup bottles for Sweet Pea and #2. They have easy valves to take out and later you can add on a regular top to make it a "normal" Nalgene bottle. I have taken over #2's bottle for now and Sweet Pea is enjoying hers.

For the past few nights we have had a humidifier up in Sweet Pea's room and sleep has been wonderful!! I don't know if it's the noise or the extra moisture in the room that is helping, but either way I am so glad that we are getting some rest.

Finding Nemo
I had forgotten the wonderful power that Finding Nemo has on Sweet Pea. I set up her play area, put in the movie, and got to do the dishes. Now all of this was conditional on the fact that I had energy to do all of those things, which in itself was a miracle.

I have fully realized the true power of the "quilted quicker picker upper" Tonight I really did "rinse, wring, and reuse" and it was great. It is the simple things that are amazing me these days.

Sadly right now Sweet Pea is having a hard time going to bed and has been screaming for about 20 minutes now. I hate just sitting down here and hearing her cry, but I know nothing is wrong and she needs to learn how to fall asleep on her own. I just hope she tires herself out soon and gets to sleep. If not it's going to be a long, long night.

Monday, November 20, 2006

And Another Month Later

Either life has been really boring the last month or too busy/tired to blog. I'm still not sure which applies. I think both. Anyway this is a quick post to say I am alive and I hope to get back to blogging soon.

Here is a long overdue picture of #2.

More to come later.