Thursday, September 07, 2006

Could Summer Really Be Over?

To my EXTREME delight it is finally starting to cool off. The past few mornings and evenings have been fairly cool here in the hot, hot south and the days haven't been that bad either. I think the weather may start to change. I have heard that we are in for a "hard" winter. I asked what this means and was told that there will be more frost and maybe a snow day. To someone raised in Michigan where we get 300 inches of snow a winter I call that description of winter super mild. Maybe this year we will wear our winter jackets and put our sandals away.

Another highlight to my week was booking tickets to fly home for Christmas!!! I was so happy when my mom said they would pay for one ticket so we could fly instead of drive. I am so glad we don't have to drive. Ariana will be 1 year and 2 months at Christmas and I will be about 5 months pregnant and being in a car for over 20 hours would not be a good thing for either of us and would cause Mr. Man to lose his mind. I'll get to see my family and snow for Christmas!!! The only sad part is I won't be able to go skiing. Oh, well I'll still take the trip home.

One more next set of diapers arrive today! More on this to come.

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