Thursday, March 08, 2007

Unnecessary Trip to Doctor's Office Take 1

My day began around 6 o'clock am-ish wondering..."hmmm did my water break, or is our room just really warm?" I stay in bed and realize it's just really warm which is good. Despite this realization I'm still feeling a little off and my brain won't fall asleep. I'm thinking about everything that needs to get done around this house just in case Little Man is early and on his way. While laying and thinking I start feeling a lot of cramping, pressure, and what very well be contractions. I'm still not willing to get out of bed or mention this to Mr. Man.

He gets up for the day, I keep sleeping until Sweet Pea wakes up. I start giving her breakfast and as soon as Mr. Man goes to class I turn into a frantic cleaning machine. Loads of laundry are going, the dishwasher is emptied and reloaded, I find a suitcase to pack, I rearrange the clothes in the kids room, get the other crib all ready, and finally take a shower. I couldn't stop doing stuff...I had to get all this done.

I finally call the doctor feeling stupid that I'm calling but felt I should. They said to come down and get checked out because of everything I was feeling. The only problem was Mr. Man was at some lecture thing and I couldn't get a hold of him. I was texting my friends and mother-in-law hoping someone might be there. Sadly no. Thankfully he got home we quick fed the kid and got in the car.

My doctor thought I was there for a routine visit. Baby's heartbeat is still fine and I'm not dilating yet. She's not worried yet but I'm on weekly visits now.

So the good news is so far I'm not going into labor, but I wouldn't put it past this kid to come early. I'm only 32-34 weeks depending on who you ask. So, he should be ok. I'm ready for him to come, but we'll see how things go. Oh the joys of pregnancy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I'll be on the edge of my seat!!!