Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy new year everyone!

Well, it's another year. New year's came and went just like another day in our house. Just like every other year the resolutions are beginning. Mr. Man and I are going to try and eat better. I just wish I had his willpower when it comes to saying no to yummy, bad food. Getting on a routine would be nice, along with getting organized. We'll see what happens. Maybe exercise?

The biggest change of the day is I'm stopping breastfeeding:( I have such mixed feelings about this. Eli is really starting to move around and has a hard time staying still long enough to eat from me or a bottle. I want to keep going but it's becoming too hard. I made it longer than with Ari but still feel bad. I know I'll get over it soon enough.

What are your new year's resolutions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to enjoy running. Crazy, huh? Well, running is part of my job, so I really want to be able to do it, do it well, and do it with some joy. You know?

Glad you posted your blog site. :)

Patti Nichols