Saturday, January 19, 2008

I hate when the kiddos are sick

My poor little man had to spend a night in the hospital this week. He's better now but the little guy has RSV and Bronchiolitis. We brought him to the ER in Cleveland on Monday night and he got a breathing treatment and was sent home. Then he started feeling worse and coughing more so to the doctors office we went. We were sent home with a nebulizer and did some treatments at home, but after his recheck on Wednesday they wanted to admit him. Thankfully he didn't have to get anymore treatments, he didn't need an IV and he was only there one night. Now he's back home slowly fighting off the virus.

Ari missed her brother so much. Mr. Man told me that when he brought Eli home she was running around screaming she was so excited. She has been super lovey towards him. Every time he starts coughing she says "you ok?'s ok" It is the cutest thing ever. She's not feeling well either but she's old enough that the RSV shouldn't cause any worries.

Other than the kiddos being sick not much is going on. I've been working at the bank and like it so far. I'm about ready to quit my other job due to the stress and last minute crap that always come up. We have a major conference coming up and the next few weeks are going to be super crazy and I'm really not up for it right now. Especially with the kids being sick.

This week with Little man going to the hospital made me wish I didn't have to work so much. I hated that I couldn't stay overnight with him because I had to work the next day. I'm sure they would have given me another day off, but as the new girl I didn't want to ask and we needed the money. I could just work my Thursdays, Fridays and some Saturdays at the bank and we would be fine, but I don't know if I should leave the ministry. If I only worked 2 days Mr. Man could have a break from the kids and finish school work with a little less stress. AHHHHHHHH!!!! I love my kids and I like working but I don't know about working as much as I have been.

Right now we can't find someone to watch our kids on Thursdays when Mr. Man has class. He might have to change his whole schedule and doesn't want to. Because of this conference I have no time to help find someone to watch them. We were hoping to find a local college student, but have had no luck. No day cares in town accept part time kids. There are no mom's day out programs that are long enough. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! Oh how I wish I could work Monday/Friday instead.

Once this crazy month is over I can't wait to spend some quality time with my sewing machine. I got the best sewing book ever. This book is wonderful. I wish I lived in NYC so I could go to her studio and learn more. First diapers need to be made for the kids and a friend, then some reusable grocery bags, and then try to make some clothing for me. Maybe by then I'll be able to lose a pound or two more. I know that's dreaming, but a girl can dream.


1 comment:

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