Sunday, January 27, 2008


No we're not moving again just my blog. I know everyone will be changing their google readers immediately to read about my oh-so-exciting life. Ok, not really. Here's the new blog site.

Hope to see you there!


Us said...

Hi I saw that you accidntally deleted yourb blog My husband did that too. How in the heck do you actually get a hold of blogger to restore it. Please email me at

Jamie said...

Hi Tara,

This is going to sound really strange but somehow I got connected to your blog through the "Help" history of google. It seems that you accidentally deleted your blog and sought the counsel of specialists (not me!). I see now that your blog has been restored, and I would like to know how you did it! I accidentally deleted my blog when I deleted an old gmail account, and now five years of writing has been lost! What did you do??? Please respond to